Mission Partners as the church and being the church in local care centers.
AVOWED - One Worship Team
AVOWED provides all ministries free of charge to the widows, elderly and disabled. The ability to do so, however, does take a financial commitment, and therefore donations are welcomed. Whether
a small, medium or large gift, we are thankful for your kind consideration that is part of the mission partnership to minister to others in need.
Care Center worship program
Rodney, individual room visit
Care Center worship program
Kennie, Hannah, Tehya, Caleb, visitation
Actively visiting the lonely and forgotten, ministering to
their emotional and spiritual needs, and to encourage, equip and facilitate others to engage in this compassionate activity.
AVOWED is a little bit of: Church Planter, Street
Evangelist, Hospice Chaplain, Encourager, Equipper and Facilitater of others to engage in ministry.